
Wall mounting template
Managed Gigabit Switch 150mm apart
Your Switch can operate in its default state, that is, you can install it and it will work
straight away (plug-and-play). However, to make full use of the features offered by the
Switch, and to change and monitor the way it works, you have to access the manage-
ment software that resides on the Switch. This is known as managing the Switch.
Managing the Switch can help you to improve the efficiency of the Switch and there-
fore the overall performance of your network.
IP Configuration
When the switch is powered up and connected to a network, the switch will obtain an
address from the DHCP server. If there is no DHCP server available, the switch will use
a default IP address of 169.254.xx.yy, where xx and yy are the last two bytes of the
MAC address. This default IP address is also printed on the label attached to the
underside of your switch.
Before you can manage your switch, you will need to determine it’s IP address to allow
a web browser to connect to it. You can do this either by connecting your workstation
to the console interface using the cable supplied, or using the 3Com Switch Detect
application that can be found on the CD that was supplied with the Switch.
Please follow the instructions below to determine and/or configure the IP address of
your switch.
Using the Console Interface
1. Connect the DB-9 to RJ-45 serial cable between your workstation (to it’s COM port)
and the Switch. Take care not to connect it to a data port on the Switch.
2. Using a terminal emulator program, for example HyperTerminal, connect to the
appropriate COM port on the workstation and ensure the following parameters are
set: 38400 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control.
3. If the Switch is not already powered up, power it up now and wait for the boot up
sequence to complete.
4. When the boot up sequence is completed, you will be presented with a login
prompt. The default username is admin. No password is required.
5. To show the IP address the switch is using, enter IP status and press Return. The
switch will display the IP address the switch is using. This address can now be used
in your preferred web browser to connect to the Switch User Interface. Use the
same username to log in.
6. If you want to manually assign an IP address, enter the following commands:
IP dhcp disable and press Return
IP Setup <IP Address> <ipmask> <gateway> and press Return
For example: IP Setup
You can now direct the web browser at the address.