4 If your ISP requires the addresses of a Primary and Secondary
DNS Server then enter them in the fields labelled Primary DNS
Address and Secondary DNS Address.
5 If your ISP requires you to supply a host name enter it in the Host
Name box, otherwise leave the box blank.
6 Click Next to continue.
Continue at “
Choosing your LAN Settings” on page 30.
To setup the gateway for use with a PPTP connection, use the
following procedure:
Figure 21 PPTP Screen
1 Enter your PPTP server address in the PPTP Server Address text
2 Enter your PPTP user name in the PPTP User Name text box.
3 Enter your PPTP password in the PPTP Password text box.
4 Enter your primary DNS address in the Primary DNS Address text
5 If your ISP provides a secondary DNS address, enter it in the
Secondary DNS Address text box, otherwise leave the box blank.
6 Check all your settings, and then click Next. Figure 22 displays.
7 Click Next to continue.
Figure 22 PPTP IP Settings
8 IP settings must be used when establishing a PPTP connection.
Fill in the Initial IP Address and the Initial Subnet Mask fields if
your ISP has provided you with these settings. Alternatively, if the
PPTP server is located in your DSL modem, click Suggest to select
and IP address on the same subnet as the PPTP server.
dua08 569-5aaa02.book Pag e 29 Thursday , Novem ber 7 , 2002 3:09 PM