Time Zone Figure 12 Time Zone Screen
The Router keeps time by connecting to a Simple Network Time Protocol
(SNTP) server. This allows the Router to synchronize the system clock to
the Internet. The synchonized clock in the Router is used to record the
security log. To set the time zone for your Router, do the following:
1 Select the Base Date and Base Time. The Router will use these settings if it
is unable to connect to the Internet or SNTP Server.
2 To enable SNTP, check the Using Time Server (NTP) check box.
3 Select a time zone from the Set Time Zone drop down list.
4 Enter the interval, in hours, at which to want the Router to resynchonize
with the SNTP Server, at the Synchonization Interval text box. The default
is every 24 hours.
5 Select a primary SNTP server, and if required a secondary SNTP server
from the appropriate drop down boxes.
6 If you want to enable aylight saving, check the Daylight Savings check
7 Select the month and day that you want daylight savings to begin at Start
Time, and select the month and day that you want daylight davings to
end at End Time.
The Daylight Savings option advances the system clock by one hour
between the dates that you specify in the Start Time and End Time drop