Figure 6 AUTOEXEC.NCF File for One Group of Two NICs
Verifying the Installation and Configuration
To verify that the driver has been properly loaded on the
NetWare server, perform the following procedure:
1 At the system prompt, enter:
load monitor
The NetWare Monitor screen appears.
2 From the Available Options menu, select
LAN/WAN Drivers.
The Available LAN Driver menu appears. If the driver has been
properly loaded, the driver and frame types associated with
the driver appear on this menu.
3 Select a driver to view its associated statistics.
A functioning driver displays packets being sent and
To verify that the server is communicating over the
network, complete the following procedure:
1 Set up a NetWare client on a LAN supported by the
server to be tested.
load se
load lbrsl
;Define primary NIC slot-frame instances
load 3c990 slot=10001 frame=ethernet_802.2 name=p1_802.2
load 3c990 slot=10001 frame=ethernet_ii name=p1_ii
;Define secondary NIC slot-frame instances
load 3c990 slot=10002 frame=ethernet_802.2 name=p2_802.2
load 3c990 slot=10002 frame=ethernet_ii name=p2_ii
;Bind protocols to primary NIC
bind ipx to p1_802.2 net=FF02
bind ip to p1_ii address= mask=ff.ff.ff.00
;Create a group with NIC 10001 primary and NIC 10002 secondary
lbrsl group lb 10001 10002
;To create a resilient server link group without load balancing (for
;use with NICs from manufacturers other than 3Com) use the rsl option:
;lbrsl group rsl 10001 10002