telnet 425
User Guidelines
Telnet software supports special Telnet commands in the form of Telnet
sequences that map generic terminal control functions to operating
system-specific functions. To enter a Telnet sequence, press the escape
sequence keys (Ctrl-shift-6) followed by a Telnet command character.
Special Telnet Sequences
At any time during an active Telnet session, Telnet commands can be
listed by pressing the Ctrl-shift-6-? keys at the system prompt.
A sample of this list follows. Note that the Ctrl-shift-6 sequence appears
as ^^ on the screen.
Several concurrent Telnet sessions can be opened and switched. To open
a subsequent session, the current connection has to be suspended by
pressing the escape sequence keys (Ctrl-shift-6) and x to return to the
system command prompt. Then open a new connection with the telnet
User EXEC mode command.
Telnet Sequence Purpose
Ctrl-shift-6-b Break
Ctrl-shift-6-c Interrupt Process (IP)
Ctrl-shift-6-h Erase Character (EC)
Ctrl-shift-6-o Abort Output (AO)
Ctrl-shift-6-t Are You There? (AYT)
Ctrl-shift-6-u Erase Line (EL)
Console> ‘Ctrl-shift-6’ ?
[Special telnet escape help]
^^ B sends telnet BREAK
^^ C sends telnet IP
^^ H sends telnet EC
^^ O sends telnet AO
^^ T sends telnet AYT
^^ U sends telnet EL
Ctrl-shift-6 x suspends the session (return to system command