Fragmentation Threshold This value specifies the maximum size for
a packet before data is fragmented into multiple packets. If you
experience a high packet error rate, you may slightly increase the
Fragmentation Threshold. Setting the Fragmentation Threshold too low
may result in poor network performance. Only minor reduction of the
default value is recommended. In most cases, it should remain at its
default value of 2346.
RTS Threshold Should you encounter inconsistent data flow, only
minor reduction of the default value, 2347, is recommended. If a
network packet is smaller than the preset RTS threshold size, the RTS/CTS
mechanism will not be enabled. The Router sends Request to Send (RTS)
frames to a particular receiving station and negotiates the sending of a
data frame. After receiving an RTS, the wireless station responds with a
Clear to Send frame to acknowledge the right to begin transmission. The
RTS Threshold value should remain at its default value of 2346.
Do not alter these parameters unless you understand the implications.
WDS WDS (Wireless Distribution System) is comprised of a bridging and/or a
repeater mode. The Router supports the Wireless Distribution System
(WDS) repeater mode. WDS repeating enables one or more Access Points
to rebroadcast received signals to extend range and reach, though this
can affect the overall throughput of data.