
Click VLAN Member Selection tab. From Available Members, select
the VLAN name for the VoWIP phones.
Select port(s) to reach other ports on the VoWIP VLAN or the VoWIP
gateway/PBX. Click Add.
Click Spanning Tree tab. Select STP options.
Click Spanning Tree Port Setup tab. Select STP port options.
Click VLAN IGMP tab. Uncheck enabled.
Click Finish.
6 Create ACLs.
From the Create ACL wizard, enter a name for the ACL. The example
uses “svp” for SpectraLink or “voice” for Avaya).
Add ACEs to the ACL.
See “Example: Creating an ACL for SpectraLink Wireless Phones”
on page 85 for ACE details.
See “Example: Creating an ACL for Avaya Wireless Phones” on
page 87 for ACE details.
Click Finish.
Configure Local
The WX switch contains a local database that can store user information
for a 3Com WLAN. You can use the local database to create users and
authenticate them, or you can use the local database in conjunction with
a RADIUS server. For example, although you might use a RADIUS server
to manage most users, you could define IT staff as users in the local
database in the event that the RADIUS server is unavailable.
You can create two types of users in the local database:
Named users—These users are authenticated by username and
password and are assigned to specific VLANs. Users include
administrators and network users. You can group these users by
creating user groups, in order to simplify configuration.