● If the error, The previous command window is still active is displayed when using the Web interface,
you must close that window before you can select another operation. You should then press Reload
(Netscape) or Refresh (Internet Explorer) in your Web browser.
● When performing a software upgrade via the System->Control->Software Upgrade Web interface,
the OK and Cancel buttons may be partially obscured by the edge of the window. This issue only
occurs when all of the following conditions exist:
❍ Windows 95
❍ IE5.0 or IE5.5
❍ Screen resolution set to 800x600.
❍ Java plugin version earlier than 1.3.1
This problem can be fixed by upgrading to Java plugin version 1.3.1 or later via the following link.
● The 3Com Switch 4050 and 4060 Web interface can only be accessed by any of the following Web
❍ Microsoft Internet Explorer v5.0
❍ Microsoft Internet Explorer v5.5
❍ Microsoft Internet Explorer v6.0
❍ Netscape Communicator v4.76
❍ Netscape Communicator v6.2
● The 3Com Switch 4050 and 4060 Web interface can be accessed on any of the following PC
operating systems:
❍ Microsoft Windows 95
❍ Microsoft Windows 98
❍ Microsoft Windows NT v4.0
❍ Microsoft Windows 2000
❍ Microsoft Windows XP
❍ Solaris 2.6
● Do not disable IGMP snooping on the unit when there are hosts in the segments subscribing to
multicast IP groups. Hosts may be unable to re-subscribe to the same multicast IP group, for more
than 5 minutes, or until the unit is re-booted.
● Pause packets are counted incorrectly. Received pause packets are included in the transmit packet
counters. Transmitted pause packets are included in the receive packet and octet counters.
● If a port is being blocked by Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), and STP is disabled, then the port
remains blocked until the Switch is reset.
● Internet Explorer 5 - If ‘Ignore font styles specified on Web Pages’ or ‘Ignore font sizes specified on
Web Pages’ are selected, then the appearance of the web interface will be unpredictable. 3Com
recommends that neither of these tools are selected (options are found under Internet Explorer 5
menu Tools > Internet Options > Accessibility > Formatting).
● BOOTP address does not renew after 1 hour. The IP address is dropped and replaced with
The IP address is lost for only a few minutes every hour but is re-established.
● In the v2.52 release and above, Spanning Tree is enabled by default.
● If you should decide to downgrade to an older version of the agent software, you may notice
inaccurate information displayed within the web browser interface. This is typically seen as inactive
hotspots in the interface. If this should occur, 3Com recommends that you exit the browser, clear the
browser cache, and begin another session.
● If you have a QoS profile applied to a port with a service level that remarks the DSCP field, then all
the incoming traffic will be remarked. Traffic which is identified by the service level profile will be
marked accordingly. Traffic that does not match the service level profile will be remarked with a
DSCP value of 0 (best effort). The effect of this is that traffic which identified as “no mark” will be