
The information displays in the following format:
Ethernet1/0/1 current state : UP
IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is
The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Media type is twisted pair, loopback not set
Port hardware type is 100_BASE_TX
100Mbps-speed mode, full-duplex mode
Link speed type is autonegotiation, link duplex type is
Flow-control is not enabled
The Maximum Frame Length is 1536
Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
Allow jumbo frame to pass
Mdi type: auto
Port link-type: access
Tagged VLAN ID : none
Untagged VLAN ID : 1
Last 300 seconds input: 0 packets/sec 0 bytes/sec
Last 300 seconds output: 0 packets/sec 0 bytes/sec
Input(total): 0 packets, 0 bytes
- broadcasts, - multicasts
Input(normal): 0 packets, 0 bytes
0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts
Input: 0 input errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles, 0 CRC
0 frame, - overruns, - aborts, - ignored, - parity errors
Output(total): 0 packets, 0 bytes
- broadcasts, - multicasts, - pauses
Output(normal): 0 packets, 0 bytes
0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 pauses
Output: 0 output errors, - underruns, - buffer failures
- aborts, 0 deferred, 0 collisions, 0 late collisions
- lost carrier, - no carrier
Table 6 Output Description of the Display Interface Command
Field Description
Ethernet1/0/1 current state Indicates the current state of the Ethernet port (up
or down)
IP Sending frames’ format Displays the Ethernet frame format
Hardware address Displays the port hardware address
Description Displays the port description
The Maximum Transmit Unit Indicates the maximum transmit unit
Media type Indicates the type of media
loopback not set Displays the port loopback test state
Port hardware type Displays the port hardware type
100 Mbps-speed mode, full-duplex
mode, link speed type is autonegotiation,
link duplex type is autonegotiation
Indicates that the duplex mode and the rate have
been auto-negotiated with the connected device,
and have been set to 100 Mbps full-duplex.
Flow control is not enabled Port flow control state
The Maximum Frame Length Indicates the maximum length of the Ethernet
frames that can pass through the port
Broadcast MAX ratio Port broadcast storm suppression ratio