
3Com Router 5000 and Router 6000 Family Release Notes v2.41 • Page 7
Frame Relay Classes that contain Frame Relay QoS parameters can be applied to PVCs even
though Frame Relay Traffic Shaping is not enabled. Frame Relay Traffic Shaping must be
enabled for PVC queues to be functional.
When IPSec policies are configured on both the incoming and outgoing interfaces, one of
the interfaces needs to have IPSec over GRE configured to allow multicast IP fragments to
pass through the router without problems.
The ability to add inline comments to describe an ACL as a whole is available, however the
ability to add a specific description to a rule is not available. Example: if an ACL is long and
complicated, inline comments for the rule cannot be added. Save the current configuration
and then edit in descriptive comments to that configuration.
FDL and remote loop back issues.
B8ZS and ESF issues.
LBO range issues.
Alarm Threshold Settings issues.
Issues with viewing current alarms and error registers.
Various issues with local, payload, and remote loopbacks.
DEBUG commands on the serial interface and physical layer characteristics of the router
UNDO of the DEBUG function.
Constant DEBUG output issues on the FT1 SIC module.
No indication of resetting (zeroing) traffic statistics.
Lack of input and output rates displayed in bits per second as part of traffic statistics output.
A logging error where VPN information is logged erroneously, when there was no actual
VPN configuration.
Only one system user at a time able to access the console.
With the display interface command, packet flow shows double that of the Ethernet
Inaccurate display information with ACL statistics, not properly incrementing for permit
Frame Relay statistics discrepancies on the sub-interface packet counts.
Statistics on the FT1 and T1 interfaces not properly zeroed upon reset command, “reset
counter interface”.
Banner information is lost upon FTP or TFTP while obtaining router information.
A packet loss problem with small packet sizes configured.
No display of trap settings with status.
NAT traversal is not compatible with Cisco routers. IPsec tunnel is not established with Cisco
routers when a NAT device is in the path.
Only one security association is used for all traffic flows. IPsec SA is not flow based. IPSec
SAs originated from 3COM routers will be ACL based. To obtain flow-based functionality,
create multiple ACLs with one rule each.