
52 Chapter 5: Router Software Maintenance
Download file(Max 60 char) :vrp.bin
IP address of eth0 :
Subnet mask for eth0 :
IP address of the server :
IP address of the gateway :
Saving the net configuration, are you sure?[Y/N]
Press <Y> to save the configuration.
4 When Net Port Download Menu appears, select option 2 to download
and write the application image to Flash memory. The system displays:
Starting the TFTP
TFTP download completed.
File length = [07600856]
Writing program code to FLASH...
Please wait, it may take a long time…………………………………………………..
Writing into Flash Successfully!
Now, the system returns to Net Port Download Menu.
If you select option 3 in the menu to directly download the program to
the SDRAM and run it there, the downloaded application image cannot
survive a reboot because the file is not written to Flash memory.
Upon completion of application image upgrade, the router reboots and
checks Boot ROM version for consistency before starting the Comware
3.11 software. If the version of the current extended Boot ROM image
Table 8 Description on the download parameters
Parameter Description
Download device The Ethernet port for downloading, which must be
Download file (Max 60 char) Name of the Comware 3.11 file to be downloaded.
IP address of eth0 IP address of interface eth0.
Subnet mask for eth0 Subnet mask of interface eth0.
IP address of the server IP address of the server where Comware 3.11 is
IP address of the gateway You must configure it if the server and the router
are not located on the same segment.