Upgrading the Software 89
2 Type 4 in the serial interface submenu and press Enter to set the serial interface
download parameters from the following menu:
1: 9600(default)
2: 19200
3: 38400
4: 57600
5: 115200
please select an appropriate baudrate:
Enter your choice(1-5): 5
3 Select the download speed as needed. For example, enter 5 to select the
download speed of 115200 bps, then press Enter. The system displays the
following information:
BaudRate is 115200 bps. Please change the terminal’s speed to 115200
4 Change the baud rate on the Console terminal to match your specification,
disconnect the terminal, connect it again, then press Enter. The terminal displays
the serial interface submenu again:
1. Download file to SDRAM through serial interface and boot
2. Download file to Flash through serial interface
3. Download file to HardDisk through serial interface
4. Modify serial interface boot parameter
0. Return to main menu
Enter your choice(0-4):2
■ After changing the baud rate, you must close the terminal emulation program
and start it again at least once in order to validate the new baud rate.
■ In Windows 98, you can disconnect and reconnect the terminal after changing
the baud rate. In Windows 2000, you must disconnect the terminal before
setting the baud rate and reconnect the terminal after it is complete.
5 Choose where you wish to store the downloaded file. For example, enter 2 to
download the file into the switch’s Flash memory then, press Enter. The system
displays the following information as it is downloading the file:
Please Select File .
XMODEM downloading ...CCC
6 Select [Transfer/Send File] in the terminal window. The Send File dialog box
appears as shown in
Figure 62.
7 Click Browse, and select the application, and change the protocol to XModem.