Step 6: After you provide the required information, the system accesses the
Ethernet interface submenu again:
1. Download file to SDRAM through ethernet interface and boot
2. Download file to Flash through ethernet interface
3. Download file to HardDisk through ethernet interface
4. Modify ethernet interface boot parameter
0. Return to main menu
Enter your choice(0-4): 2
Step 7: At the prompt displayed in the last step, select a place for retaining the
downloaded file (the Flash for example by entering 2), press Enter, and the system
will display the following information in the terminal:
Attached TCP/IP interface to fei0.
Attaching network interface lo0... done.
boot device : fei0
unit number : 0
processor number : 0
host name : 8500
file name : 8500.app
inet on ethernet (e) :
host inet (h) :
flags (f) : 0x80
Prepare for loading....OK
flash:/s8500.app already exist,
delete it?(Y/N):y
Deleting file------------------------------------------------------
Free flash Space : 15862784 bytes
Writing Flash------------------------------------------------------
Step 8: The information displayed in the last step means a successful file
downloading operation. In this case, the system accesses the Ethernet interface
submenu again and the user can make selection as needed. The details will not be
covered here.
1. Download file to SDRAM through ethernet interface and boot
2. Download file to Flash through ethernet interface
3. Download file to HardDisk through ethernet interface
4. Modify ethernet interface boot parameter
0. Return to main menu
Enter your choice(0-4):
Upgrading software through management Ethernet port (FTP)
1 Introduction to FTP
The Switch 8800 Family applications can also be updated through the Ethernet
port and using FTP.
Following is the upgrading procedure, using the Switch 8814 working as an FTP
Client as an example.
2 Upgrade procedure