■ Status LEDs for I/O module
The 360 Gbps Switch Fabric module has 12 pairs of LEDs to indicate the operating
status of 12 I/O module.
■ Status LEDs for the 360 Gbps Switch Fabric module
You can learn the operating status of 360 Gbps Switch Fabric module by reading
the SFS, ACT, ALM and RUN LEDs on it. The following table gives a summary of
the four LEDs.
Table 11 CF status LED
LED Status
CFS ON The CF card is in position and is idle. You cannot remove the card.
Blinking The CF card is in position and reading/writing data. You cannot remove
the card.
OFF The CF card is out of position or offline (you can force the in-position CF
card to go offline using the appropriate background command). You can
remove/insert the card.
Table 12 Status LEDs for I/O module
LED Status
RUN ON The module is faulty.
OFF The module is faulty or out of position.
Blinking (1s) The module is running normally.
Fast blinking (125 ms) The module is booting or not registered successfully.
ALM ON The module has alarms.
OFF The module has no alarms or is out of position.
Indicate slots 0 through 5 and slots 8 through 13
Table 13 Status LEDs for the 360 Gbps Switch Fabric module
360 Gbps Switch
Fabric LED
SFS ON The switching fabric unit is active.
OFF The switching fabric unit is standby.
RUN Green The 360 Gbps Switch Fabric module is faulty.
OFF The 360 Gbps Switch Fabric module is faulty.
Green blinking The 360 Gbps Switch Fabric module runs normally.
ALM Red The 360 Gbps Switch Fabric module has alarms.
OFF The 360 Gbps Switch Fabric module has no alarms.
ACT Green The 360 Gbps Switch Fabric module is active.
OFF The 360 Gbps Switch Fabric module is standby.