Storing and Retrieving Configuration Parameters
Storing and
This section discusses the configuration upload/download facility and
includes the following topics:
Configuration Upload/Download
Downloading Selected Data Types
Organizing Configuration Files
Activating the Downloaded Configuration
Uploading the Configuration of a Card
Downloading the Configuration of a Card
Loading Software and Configuration Data by Batch Utilities
You can store (upload) the configuration of an installed card from its flash
memory to an external disk and restore it (download) to the flash
memory of the original card — or to the flash memory of a different card
of the same type — at a later time. You can perform this operation only
through the LMA and not via a SNMP management application like
When the switch operates in single-IP Mode, you can use this facility to
upload the configuration of any of the installed cards through the LMA of
the switch card. When the switch is operating in multiple-IP mode, you
can use this facility to upload the configuration of the switch card only.
This feature lets you:
Backup your switch configuration in case of switch failure
Transfer the configuration from one switch to another
Maintain various standard configuration templates which can be
loaded according to requirement
The configuration upload works for individual cards installed in the
CoreBuilder 7000: either the active switch card or a CoreBuilder 7X00
Interface Card. You select the card whose configuration you want to
download or upload from a list of installed cards.
You cannot upload or download configuration parameters to a switch
card while it is installed as a redundant switch card. You need to remove
the card from the chassis, install it in a different switch chassis as the
active switch card and then perform the upload/download operation, as