Network Video Server User’s Manual
Seyeon Tech Co., Ltd
logics for system configuration, since executing this option Except Network configuration
will lose all of your setting.
4 System Update
System update can remotely be done through web page of the system or ftp option with
telnet and Hyper Terminal mode. In this user manual only web based system update
method is described and ftp based system update method can separately provided.
4.1 Description of files system
Server has 4 different files to get the system work. In some case, you may
need to upgrade whole files or other case you need to upgrade some specific file only.
Following is brief explanation about the file system for FlexWATCH
Files* Size (unit : KB) ** Description
e_ker_xx 629
Kernel file – Same as Os in the
e_rfs_xx.gz 1.547 Root file system
e_sys_xx.tar.gz 975
System file – Application
software in the window
e_web_xx.tar.gz 435
Web file – Web server of
* Note depending on the hardware initial of each file can be different.
** You can download the latest version from “Downloads” menu on www.flexwatch.com
** file size will be different in each version
In addition to above 4files, PTZ device driver and Sensor Device Driver module can
separately uploaded into the system through web browser.