
SuperStack 3Com system of stackable hubs, servers, switches, routers, SDLC converters,
and power supplies. SuperStack systems can support a range of LAN
environments, including Ethernet, token ring, FDDI, SNA, and ATM.
Thin Ethernet cable A cable standard for Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) networks using RG-58 A/U or
RG-58 C/U cable and BNC connectors. The coaxial cable is 0.2 inches in
diameter, so it is more flexible than thick Ethernet cable. Thin Ethernet
operates at the same frequency as thick Ethernet but over a shorter distance,
and it provides less insulation from interference than thick Ethernet.
Transceiver A hardware device that links a node to a network cable and functions as
both a transmitter and a receiver.
Twisted-pair Wiring similar to that found in the telephone system, consisting of two
insulated wires loosely twisted around each other to help cancel out
induced noise in balanced circuits.
UTP Unshielded twisted-pair. A cable consisting of two or more pairs of twisted
copper wires that are not shielded.