Chapter 7 Page 171
System, alarm, and game sounds
Your handheld computer uses a variety of sounds. The System,
Alarm, and Game Sound settings enable you to turn the sounds on or
off, and to adjust the volume level associated with each type of sound.
To set the system and alarm sounds:
1. Tap the System Sound pick list and select the sound level.
Note: When you turn off the System Sounds, you also turn off
the “chime” tones associated with the HotSync operation.
2. Tap the Alarm Sound pick list and select the sound level.
3. Tap the Game Sound pick list and select the sound level.
Note: TheGameSoundsettingworksonlywithgamesthatare
programmed to respond to this setting. Older games
typically do not respond to this setting.
Volume level and System, Alarm, and Game Sounds:
The High, Medium, and Low settings for the System, Alarm, and
Game Sounds will always be proportional to the setting for the
Volume level. See Chapter 1 for a discussion on setting the Volume
level for the handheld computer.
If any of the individual Sounds (System, Alarm, or Game) is set to Off,
then this setting will not be affected by the Volume level.