12 Click Next. Type or select the name of the VLAN you want to place voice
users in. For this example, use voice-vlan.
Typing the VLAN name here does not actually configure the VLAN. To
configure a VLAN, see “Set Up VLANs on WX Switches” on page 64.
13 Click Next. Select Enable WMM.
14 Click Next. Select RadioProfileVoic in the Radio Profiles list.
15 Click Finish.
Create a Service Profile for SVP VoWIP Devices
1 Select Configuration on the toolbar.
2 In the Organizer panel, expand the WX switch.
3 Expand Wireless, then select Wireless Services.
4 In the Task List panel, select Voice Service Profile.
The Voice Service Profile wizard is displayed.
5 Click Next.
6 Change the service profile name to Voice-SVP, and use the name SVP for
the SSID.