Create Your RF
Coverage Area
To create your RF coverage area, you create a wiring closet (mandatory if
you have direct MAPs in your plan), designate an area for RF coverage, and
add your distributed MAPs or direct MAPs to the coverage area. Distributed
MAPs are indirectly attached through intermediate Layer 2 or Layer 3
devices. Direct MAPs are directly attached to dedicated WX switch ports.
Create a Wiring
To add the location of a wiring closet to the floor plan
1 Display the floor plan in the Content panel.
2 In the Task List panel, click Tools.
3 In the Wiring Closer/Misc area under Coverage Area, click the (Insert
Wiring Closet) icon.
4 Click in the floor display where you want to place the wiring closet. The
Create Wiring Closet wizard appears.
5 In the Name box, type the name of the wiring closet (1 to 60 characters,
with no tabs).
6 Click a WX switch in the Available Devices box, then click the Add button
to move it to the Current Devices box.
7 Click Finish to save the changes. The wiring closet is displayed on your
floor plan.