Table of contents
1. General ........................................................ 4
1.1 Safety Instructions ....................................... 4
1.2 Application ................................................... 4
2. Installation ................................................... 5
2.1 Pre-assembly .............................................. 5
2.2 Power supply............................................... 6
2.3 Checking rotating direction .......................... 6
3. Operation .................................................... 7
3.1 Operating elements IDEAL 4107 ................. 7
3.2 Operating elements IDEAL 4109 ................. 7
3.3 Starting the machine ................................... 7
Machine stops due to overloading ............... 8
Machine stops and yellow lamp (3) lights
(IDEAL 4109) ............................................... 8
Stopping the machine .................................. 8
3.4 Switching off the machine ........................... 8
For short breaks: ......................................... 8
For longer breaks: ....................................... 8
3.5 Oiling the shredding mechanism................. 9
3.6 Replacing the plastic bag (IDEAL 4107) ...... 9
3.7 Operation of baler (IDEAL 4109)................ 10
Bale ejection .............................................. 10
3.8 Premature ejecting of bale (IDEAL 4109) .. 14
3.9 Central lubrication (IDEAL 4109) .............. 14
If signal sounds ......................................... 14
Type of oil .................................................. 14
4. Trouble-shooting........................................ 15
5. Accessories .............................................. 16
6. Technical data ........................................... 16
7. EC-declaration of conformity ..................... 17