1 –Pump 9-Station Controller Chapter 3: Installation 23 of 38
Pump Setup
To set the pump settings and features of your conveying system, press the F5 key on the
controller keypad while in the Main Menu screen. The initial (of three) Pump Setup screen
will be shown (below):
Figure 10: Initial Pump Setup Screen
This screen will allow you to set the following features:
• FC ENABLE F2 – Pressing F2 allows you to enable or disable the filter cleaning
• FC TYPE F5- This feature allows you to toggle between blowback and implosion
cleaning (Press F5). This setting must match the equipment that was installed in your
• CNVYS/CLEAN – This is the number of convey cycles allowed between filter
cleanings. This value can be set between 1 and 99.
Once the values have been entered for the settings listed above, the operator can choose to do
the following:
• Turn the pump On or Off (Press F1 while in this screen)
• Enter additional values for this pump in the second setup screen (Press F3).
• Return to the Main Menu (Press F6).