Actiontec VoSKY Call Center User Manual
Installing Skype
The rst step in setting up Call Center is installing Skype™ on the
computer connected to Call Center. This chapter describes the
Skype installation procedure in four parts: downloading and in-
stalling Skype, creating an account, adding contacts, and assign-
ing speed-dial numbers.
Downloading and Installing Skype
If Skype has already been installed on the computer, make sure it
is the latest version. If it is, skip this section and go to “Assigning
a Speed-Dial Number” on page 8. If not, install the latest version
by following this procedure:
1. Open a Web browser and, in the address bar, enter:http://
2. When the Skype Web page appears, click Download Skype.
3. After downloading, double-click on the “SkypeSetup” icon.
Download Skype