12 9620 Professional OBD II Scan Tool
Code P0443
EVAP Emission
Control System [
Purge Valve C Fault
OBDII Function List |
1) I/M Readiness
2)Read Codes [
`3)Pending Codes
II monitor name followed by monitor state. A monitor that is not supported by test vehicle
will be followed by n/a. A monitor that has been
completed is followed by ok. If not completed,
inc will be displayed. Use the UP/DOWN arrow
keys to scroll through the list.
NOTE: In additon to displaying the state of the
monitor since the last time DTCs were
cleared, some vehicles will display the
state of the monitors for this drive cycle.
Use the LEFT/RIGHT arrows to switch
between these screens
Press the ENTER key to return to the OBD II Function List.
2.3.2 Read Codes
The Read Codes function retrieves Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) from vehicles
computer modules. This function can be
performed with the key on and the engine off or
the key on and engine running.
These codes cause the computer to illuminate
the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) when an
emission-related or driveability fault occurs. The
MIL is also known as the service engine soon or check engine lamp.
Select Read Codes and press ENTER. The scan tool retrieves the DTCs stored in the
vehicles computer module(s).
The scan tool displays the DTCs or a message
Press the DOWN arrow key to view the DTCs or
press the BACK key to return to the OBDII
Function List.
Write down the DTCs for reference, then press BACK to return to the OBDII Function List.
2.3.3 Pending Codes
Pending Codes are also referred as continuous monitor and maturing codes. An
intermittent fault causes computer to store a code in memory. If fault does not occur
again within 40 warm-up cycles, the code clears
from memory. If the fault occurs a specific number
of times, the code matures into a DTC MIL
illuminates or blinks. This function can be per-
formed with the key on and engine running or
Misfire Monitor ok |
Fuel System Mon inc
Catalyst Mon n/a
OBDII Function List |
1) I/M Readiness
`2)Read Codes [
3)Pending Codes
On-Board Readiness
Tests Are Complete.
Use [ To View Test
Not All Supported
On-Board Readiness
Tests Are Complete.
Use [ To View Test
DTCs Found: 2
Use [ To View DTCs
Write Down Codes
For Reference.
System Pass:
No DTCs Found.
Press BACK For
OBDII Function List
This Driving Cycle
Misfire Monitor n/a
Fuesl System Mon ok[
Catalyst Mon inc
9620 Professional OBD II Scan Tool 25
Section 4: Help and Troubleshooting Tips
4.1 How to Use Help
The tester contains Help for specific screens,
functions, and error messages. Help is available
when Help symbol (|) appears in upper right-
hand corner of display.
To enter Help, press HELP key. Help screens
are in CAPITAL LETTERS to remind viewing Help screens, not screens associated with
a function. If Help message is longer than one screen, then use UP and DOWN arrow
keys to page through message. The symbols ([ and ]) indicate the direction available.
To exit Help and return to the screen you where Help was entered, press the BACK key.
4.2 Scan Tool Problems
If scan tool fails to power up, link to vehicle, pass Tool Self-Tests, or function properly,
then try following Troubleshooting Tips. If these tips fail to resolve problem, contact
Actron Technical Support at 1-800-228-7667 (8:00 - 6:00 EST Monday - Friday), or send
an email to tech_support@actron.com. Be prepared to provide scan tools Software ID.
4.2.1 Scan Tool does not powerup:
Check OBD II connector for power and ground. If no power, check fuse if appli-
Verify vehicles battery is at least 8 volts.
Unplug and plug back in the Data Link Connector (DLC) to verify connector is
properly seated to vehicle connector.
If scan tool is being powered from an AC/DC 110V to 12V adapter, make sure AC
outlet has power.
4.2.2 Scan Tool does not Link withvehicle:
Make sure cable is correctly connected to DLC. Unplug the DLC adapter from
vehicle and plug back to verify connection.
Verify ignition key is ON not in ACCESSORIES position.
Cycle ignition key OFF for 10 seconds, then ON to reset PCM.
Inspect DLC adapter and computer module connectors for cracked, bent,
corroded or recessed pins, and for any substance that could prevent a good
electrical connection.
In vehicle, verify continuity exists between DLC and computer module. In extreme
cases, broken wire(s) may exist.
Check vehicle computer module for a blown fuse. Refer to vehicle service manual
for fuse location.
Make sure computer module is grounded to vehicle. If the computer module is
grounded to vehicle, then thoroughly clean connection and apply a conductive grease
to mating surfaces.
The vehicle computer module may be defective. Refer to applicable vehicle service
manual for test procedures and diagnostic flowcharts.
Operating Error. |
Check Connections!
Try Again?
<Yes> No