Selecting the statistical items to output
5 Press the SAMPLE key to display 5taf 0 .
6 Press the RE-ZERO key to select the output items.
In the example, 5taf 1 is selected to output the
number of data, sum, maximum, minimum, range
(maximum-minimum) and average.
Parameter Description
Number of data, sum
Number of data, sum
Maximum, minimum, range (maximum – minimum), average
Number of data, sum
Maximum, minimum, range (maximum – minimum), average,
Standard deviation, coefficient of variation
7 Press the PRINT key to store the setting.
The statistical calculation mode will be enabled using the
ON:OFF key or when the power is turned on.
8 Press the CAL key to return to the weighing mode.
Selecting the unit
9 Press the MODE key to select the unit to be used for
the statistical calculation mode.
Selecting the unit using the MODE key is not available after the
data is entered. In this case, clear the data as described on
page 19 and select the unit using the MODE key.
When the statistical calculation mode is to be enabled upon power-on, select the unit in
“Unit (Unit)” of the function table beforehand.
5-4-2 Using The Statistical Calculation Mode
Entering data for statistical calculation
Use the following keys to operate the statistical calculation mode.
MODE key
When the data is entered, moves between the displaying items (weighing mode,
statistical results and data operation) each time the key is pressed.
When no data has been entered, selects the unit.
SAMPLE key ............ Turns the minimum display on or off, in the weighing mode.
Sets the display to zero in the weighing mode.
Outputs the data number and the weight data and includes the weight data to
statistical calculation in the weighing mode. (Output is not in the data format
specified in the function table because of the data number added.)
Outputs the statistical results while the statistical results are displayed. (Output
is not in the data format specified in the function table.)
CAL key
Returns to the weighing mode.