COUNT (pcs) Display
WEIGHT Display
Comparator results, HI/OK/LO.
The TOTAL annunciator comes ON when
the COUNT display is showing the TOTAL value.
The SAMPLE TOO LIGHT annunciator comes
ON when the unit weight is too light.
The M+ annunciator comes ON when
counting data is being accumulated.
The ZERO annunciator comes ON when
the scale is at ZERO.
The STABLE annunciator comes ON when
the weighing data is stable.
The TARE ENTERED annunciator comes ON when
the TARE weight is subtracted.
ID Number (2 digits) is displayed when storing or recalling unit weight data.
The annunciator comes ON when the battery is working.
The annunciator comes ON when the number of additions
to M+ is displayed.
The ACAI annunciator comes ON when the weight is within
the ACAI range. When meeting the ACAI addition range, it will blink.