Before Weighing
Automatic power-off function.
If the scale left ON and the stable indicator is displayed, an automatic
power-off function turns power off after approximately 5 minutes.
To disable/enable this function, turn the scale on while pressing the
[RE-ZERO] key. Then
poff0 or poff1 will be displayed.
poff0 Function disabled. poff1 Function enabled.
Select the setting by pressing the [RE-ZERO] key which toggles the display
above, and press the [UNITS] key. The scale shows end and returns to the
weighing mode.
Error message
e Overload: remove excess load on the weighing platform.
----- The scale zero is out of zero range or unstable when powered
on. Make sure no load is on the weighing platform or nothing
touches the platform.
lb Low battery: replace the batteries or use the AC adapter.
Calibration may be required before weighing
Read “CALIBRATION” first and if necessary, calibrate your scale for
accurate weighing.
Weighing Procedures
1. Turn on the scale.
Press the [ON/OFF] key to turn on the scale. Then the scale displays all
segments for a few seconds and then
0 will be displayed.
2. Start weighing
If you do not use a container for weighing,
Verify the reading is
0 . If not, press the [RE-ZERO] key to display
0 . Place objects on the weighing platform to weigh. When the reading
becomes stable, the stable indicator is displayed.
If you use a container for weighing,
Place an empty container on the platform. Wait for the stable indicator to
be displayed and press the [RE-ZERO] key. Place the objects to be
weighed in the container. When the reading becomes stable, the stable
indicator is displayed.
Select the weighing unit
Press the [UNITS] key to select weighing unit either “(k)g”, “lb”, “oz” or
“lb-oz”. The scale will power up with the weighing unit that had been used
when turned off last time.