13.2.3. Command mode
In the command mode, the scale is controlled by commands that come from an
external device such as a personal computer.
Command List
Command Description Remarks
Q Send data immediately.
Z Zero the scale when the weight is stable.
Same as the ZERO switch.
T Tare the scale when the data is stable.
Same as the TARE switch.
U Switch the weighing unit.
Same as the UNITS switch.
When the five-level comparator mode is used:
Send the current HIHI limit value.
When the three-level comparator mode is used:
Send the current HI limit value.
When the five-level comparator mode is used:
Send the current HI limit value.
When the three-level comparator mode is used:
Not used
When the five-level comparator mode is used:
Send the current LO limit value.
When the three-level comparator mode is used:
Not used
When the five-level comparator mode is used:
Send the current LOLO limit value.
When the three-level comparator mode is used:
Send the current LO limit value.
Send a setting value.
Function settings
Five-level (Cp-l 0)
Three-level (Cp-l 1)
When the five-level comparator mode is used:
Set the HIHI limit value.
When the three-level comparator mode is used:
Set the HI limit value.
When the five-level comparator mode is used:
Set the HI limit value.
When the three-level comparator mode is used:
Not used.
When the five-level comparator mode is used:
Set the LO limit value.
When the three-level comparator mode is used:
Not used.
When the five-level comparator mode is used:
Set the LOLO limit value.
When the three-level comparator mode is used:
Set the LO limit value.
Set the six-digit value excluding
the polarity and decimal point