In a single line diagram, figure 12 shows the basic structure of standard
equipment and another one with separate bypass line, for a three phase input
and output configuration. For any other configuration, only the quantity of cables
and terminals at the input, output and bypass will vary. The internal structure of
the equipment will never vary.
Maintenance line (manual bypass).
Emergency line (static bypass)
Normal operation
Mains failure
Inverter operation not active
(provided that the EPO inactive)
Operation on bypass manual
UPS block diagram with operating flows
Protect 2.33 2.0 is a double conversion system AC/DC, DC/AC with a sine wave
output that gives safe protection in extreme conditions of power supply
(variations in voltage, frequency, electrical noises, blackout and other power
disturbances, etc…). Whatever the kind of load that has to be protected, these
devices are prepared to assure quality and continuity in the electrical supply.
The operation is basically as follows:
• Rectifier, an IGBT three phase rectifier, converts the AC voltage into DC by
absorbing a pure sine wave current (THD < 2,5 %*), and charging batteries at
constant current / voltage.
• The batteries supply the power needed by the inverter in the event of mains
• The inverter deals with transforming the voltage of the DC bus into AC by
providing a sine wave, alternating output stabilized in voltage and frequency
suitable for supplying the loads connected on the output.
from 50 % load