5 Commissioning
Before any work is started, ensure that the cables
are free of tension and no power can be switched
To prevent a deformation of the bus-bar and to
keep the foot of the terminal free of torsion, it is
recommended to hold the cable when removing
the terminal screw.
The grounding protection prevents inappropriately high
contact tension with reachable metal pieces. The grounding of
the PROTECT C. is realised via the grounding screw
( / PE). Before starting ensure that the PROTECT C. is
grounded according the regulations, e.g. VDE 0100.
Before starting the connection tasks check that:
♦ the values of the mains voltage (input voltage) and
frequency complies with the values on the label on the
♦ the grounding connection complies with the IEC norms
or with the regional regulations,
♦ the UPS is connected to the mains via a separate and
fused line in a preswitched NS distribution,
♦ the power fuse in the NS distribution has the same or
higher value as indicated on the label on the rear of the
UPS appliance.