Overload behaviour Up to 105% continuous;
with mains supply > 105% – < 130% for 10 min.
130% for 1s
Following this, automatic,
uninterrupted switchover to
integrated bypass (SBS).
Switch-off after 1 min if overload
continues to be present. (Switch
back if overload decreases = load
< 90%)
Overload behaviour with Up to 105% continuous;
battery operation > 105% for 10 s
Short-circuit behaviour 2.5 x I
for 100 ms
Standby times with external standard battery units
Standby times (full load / half load) [min.]
battery cubicles
Recharging time
to 90% capacity
1 x PROTECT 1.100 BP 16 / 42 --- --- 5h
2 x PROTECT 1.100 BP 42 / 97 --- --- 7h
3 x PROTECT 1.100 BP 60 /134 --- --- 10h
1 x PROTECT 1. BP 20 19 / 47 10 / 29 6 / 19 5h
2 x PROTECT 1. BP 20 47 /103 29 / 68 19 / 47 9h
3 x PROTECT 1. BP 20 78 / 77 47 /103 34 / 62 13h
4 x PROTECT 1. BP 20 103 /243 68 /153 47 /103 18h
5 x PROTECT 1. BP 20 138 /312 85 /202 63 /138 24h
Nominal DC voltage (intermediate circuit): 240 VDC
Trickle charge voltage: 274 VDC ± 1%
Battery charging current (max.): 4.2 ADC
Type Sealed, maintenance-free
PROTECT 1.100 BP 2x20 blocks 12V 9Ah,
e.g. CSB HR 1234WF2
PROTECT 1.BP20 1x20 blocks 12V 20Ah,
e.g. Panasonic LC-X1220P