Default setting: No automatic supply for load
over integrated bypass after executing step 1
and 2 (Modification of the configuration with the
provided Software ”CompuWatch“).
3. Then connect the outputs of your UPS to your
loads. Use the load connection cables provided for
this. Don’t switch on the loads yet. Please
contact your dealer if you require additional load
connection cables.
4. Now switch on the UPS. To do this, press and
hold the UPS ON switch for about 2 seconds.
5. When being powered on, the UPS will perform
self-diagnosis, the Load/Battery level LEDs will be
turned on and then off one after another in
ascending order. After synchronising the inverter
successfully the LED “Inverter” will go on after
some seconds, with the UPS in normal mode. If
the power supply is in order (mains within the
range) an additionally the LED “Line” will go on. If
this LED is flashing, the phase and neutral of the
UPS are exchanged. In this case turn the mains
connector 180
in the shockproof socket.
Please shut down the entire system if you
cannot solve any problems which occur. Press
the OFF button for about 2 seconds. Disconnect
the UPS from the mains by pulling the mains
connector. Please contact our hotline (s.p. 4).
6. When all displays are lit as described, switch on
your loads one after the other. Note the maximum
permitted UPS load when doing this. Keep in mind
that especially loads like laser printers and big
CTRs have high power consumption and can
cause an overload of the UPS quickly.
Behaviour when switching on / off:
The behaviour after switching on (On-
Pushbutton) or off (Off-Pushbutton) the UPS can
be defined with the Software “CompuWatch”:
Activation of the automatic bypass or either
deactivation (latter = factory-made presetting).