Power Quality Analyzer Model 3945-B
• Real-time Display: Opens an instrument control panel providing real-
time display of measurement data.
• Download Data: Opens an instrument control panel and begins the
download of recorded data.
• Open Data File: Displays
the Create View fromTemplate dialog box
NOTE: For detailed instructions and descriptions for any feature in a dialog box,
click on the Help Button, or right-click on the feature you want information
6.6 Configuring the Instrument
1. Click the Congure Instrument button from within DataView
, or click the
Congure option from the Instrument menu of the Control Panel. If no con-
Figure 6-7
2. Makesurethattheserialportdisplayedinthedialogboxmatchestheportyou
plugged the serial cable into. If the correct serial port is not selected, click on
the drop-down menu to select it.
3. The Baud Rate needs to be set at the same rate as the Model 3945-B. You
may select the baud rate, if necessary, from the drop-down menu in the Baud
Rate window and selecting from the available values.
• Turn ON the Model 3945-B by pressing the green button -
• Press the menu button -
• Scroll down with the button, until you reach “BAUD RATE”
• Press
the enter button - and read the baud rate
• Set to read 115200
4. Oncethepropercommunicationparametershavebeenspecied,
click on OK.