Replaceable Parts
Replaceable Parts
This section contains information for ordering parts. Service support for the 1141A
Differential Probe is to the assembly level. Service support for the adapters is as complete
assemblies, except for the probe tip caps and the probe tips. Service support for the
1142A Probe Control and Power Module is to the component level.
Parts List
The replaceable parts lists include all parts relevant to the applicable service levels. The
information given for each part consists of the following:
• Reference designator
•Part number
• Total quantity (Qty) in instrument or on assembly. The total quantity is given once
and at the first appearance of the part number in the list.
• Description of part
• Typical manufacturer of part in a five-digit code.
Ordering Information
To order a part in the material part list, quote the part number, indicate the quantity
desired, and address the order to the nearest Agilent Technologies Sales Office.
To order a part not listed in the material list, include the instrument part number,
instrument serial number, a description of the part (including its function), and the
number of parts required. Address the order to the nearest Agilent Technologies Sales
Direct Mail Order System
Within the USA, Agilent Technologies can supply parts through a direct mail order
system. There are several advantages to this system:
• Direct ordering and shipment from the Agilent Technologies parts center in
California, USA.
• No maximum or minimum on any mail order (there is a minimum amount for parts
ordered through a local Agilent Technologies Sale Office when the orders require
billing and invoicing).
• Prepaid transportation (there is a small handling charge for each order).
• No invoices.
In order for Agilent Technologies to provide these advantages, a check or money order
must accompany each order.