4 Agilent 16440A User’s Guide, Edition 4
User's Guide
This section describes the operating theory of the selector.
Agilent 4155/4156 can control the selector to automatically switch the unit (SMU or
PGU) that is connected to a DUT pin according to the state (stress force state or
measurement state).
This is useful for performing reliability testing (stress testing) of DUTs. For
example, the selector can connect a PGU to the DUT for forcing ac stress, then can
switch and connect an SMU for measuring dc characteristics.
You define the selector connections in SMU/PG SELECTOR table on the STRESS:
CHANNEL DEFINITION page. The switching state specified in the STRESS
column is automatically performed during stressing. The switching state specified in
the MEASURE column is automatically performed during measurement. See
"STRESS: CHANNEL DEFINITION screen" in the 4155/4156 User's Guide.
For example, you can specify to connect the PGU to the DUT during stress, and
connect the SMU to the DUT during measurement. So, when you press the
key, the PGU is automatically connected to the DUT. And when you press a
measurement key, the SMU is automatically connected to the DUT.
The 4155/4156 controls the switching of the selector.
Each selector has two channels. If you want to add two more channels for a total of
four, you can order 16440A option 003, which is called the "selector expander".
The selector and selector expander have identical circuits. The only difference is the
channel naming. The selector has CH 1 and CH 2, and the selector expander has CH
3 and CH 4.