Getting Started
To inspect package contents
• Agilent IntuiLink Data Capture (all except for 54621A or 21D)
IntuiLink Data Capture is a standalone program for downloading waveform
data from the oscilloscopes to your PC via GPIB or RS-232 interface. It
provides the capability to transfer deep memory data out of the oscilloscope,
allowing up to 4MB (scope channels) and 8MB (logic channels). The
IntuiLink for 54600-Series limits the size of acquisition data available to a
maximum of 2,000 points regardless of actual number of acquisition points
on the screen. With the IntuiLink Data Capture, the amount of points
transferred will be the actual number of acquisition points currently
displayed or you may select the number of points to download. It provides
the following functionality:
• Download waveform data and display the data as a simple chart
• Save the data as binary or text files
• Copy the chart and a selected portion of the data to the clipboard. The
maximum data saved to the clipboard is 50,000 point
• Load saved waveform data back into the application
For 54621A and 21D users, IntuiLink Data Capture software is available free
on the web at:
RS-232 cable may be ordered separately, part number 34398A
If anything is missing, contact your nearest Agilent Sales Office. If the shipment
was damaged, contact the carrier, then contact the nearest Agilent Sales Office.
❏ Inspect the oscilloscope
• If there is mechanical damage or a defect, or if the oscilloscope does not
operate properly or does not pass the performance tests listed in the Service
Guide, notify your Agilent Sales Office.
• If the shipping container is damaged, or the cushioning materials show signs
of stress, notify the carrier and your Agilent Sales Office. Keep the shipping
materials for the carrier’s inspection. The Agilent Sales Office will arrange
for repair or replacement at Agilent’s option, without waiting for claim