Triggering the Oscilloscope
To use Duration triggering
3 For each channel you select, press the logic level softkey to set the
condition for that channel in the pattern.
• H sets the pattern to high on the selected channel. A high is a voltage level
that is greater than the channel's trigger level or threshold level.
• L sets the pattern to low on the selected channel. A low is a voltage level that
is less than the channel's trigger level or threshold level.
• X sets the pattern to don't care on the selected channel. Any channel set to
don't care is ignored and is not used as part of the pattern. If all channels in
the pattern are set to don't care, the oscilloscope will not trigger.
4Press the Qualifier softkey to set the time duration qualifier for the
The time qualifier can set the oscilloscope to trigger on a channel pattern whose
time duration is:
• less than a time value (<)
• greater than a time value (>)
• greater than a time value, but with timeout (Timeout). A trigger will be forced
at the timeout value, rather than occurring when the pattern is exited.
• within a range of time values (><)
• outside a range of time values (<>)
The time values for the selected qualifier are set using the qualifier time set
softkeys (< and >) and the Entry knob.