Chapter 3: Testing Performance
To test trigger sensitivity
Turn on Channel 1 and turn off all other channels.
You can do this by using the channel keys above each input BNC or by using the check boxes at
the top of the waveform display area.
Set vertical scale for channel 1 to 200 mV/div. Select dc coupling and 50Ω input
7 With an N cable and N-to-BNC adapter, connect the signal generator to the channel 1
8 Set the signal frequency to 100 MHz and output level for 0.5 divisions of vertical
You can use the markers to set a 0.5 division reference. Select Markers from the Measure menu
and select Manual Placement in the dialog that appears. Both Markers should be set to the same
channel. Set the Y value for Marker A to +50.0 mV and the Y value for Marker B to –50.0 mV,
then click Close. (If the markers do not appear on the screen, press the Marker A and Marker B
keys on the front panel.) See figure 3-17.
Figure 3-17
Setting the Markers for a 0.5 Division Reference
9 Press the Sweep key (Trigger section of the front panel controls) to select Trig’d.
The scope’s Armed and Trig’d LEDs (in the Horizontal section of the front panel) should flash.
However, the waveform display may not be stable.
Adjust the trigger level control for a stable display.
11 The test passes if triggering is stable. Record the result in the Performance Test Record.
12 Set the signal frequency to 500 MHz and the output level for 1 division of vertical
Again, you can use the markers to check the deflection, with one set to +100 mV and the other
to –100 mV.
Adjust the horizontal sweep speed to 1 ns/div.
14 Adjust the trigger level for a stable display.
15 The test passes if triggering is stable. Record the result in the Performance Test Record.
16 Set the signal frequency to 1.0 GHz and the output level for 1.5 division of vertical
Again, you can use the markers to check the deflection, with one set to +150 mV and the other
to –150 mV.