
Getting Started 2
Agilent 6000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer’s Quick Start Guide 21
Using Other Oscilloscope Setup Commands
A typical oscilloscope setup would set the vertical range and offset voltage, the
horizontal range, delay time, delay reference, trigger mode, trigger level, and
slope. An example of the commands that might be sent to the oscilloscope are:
myScope.WriteString “:CHANNEL1:PROBE 10"
myScope.WriteString “:CHANNEL1:RANGE 16"
myScope.WriteString “:CHANNEL1:OFFSET 1.00"
myScope.WriteString “:TIMEBASE:MODE NORMAL"
myScope.WriteString “:TIMEBASE:RANGE 1E-3"
myScope.WriteString “:TIMEBASE:DELAY 100E-6"
Vertical is set to 16 V full-scale (2 V/div) with center of screen at 1 V and probe
attenuation set to 10. This example sets the time base at 1 ms full-scale
(100 ms/div) with a delay of 100 µs.
Example Oscilloscope Setup Code
This program demonstrates the basic command structure used to program the
' Initialize the instrument interface to a known state.
' Initialize the instrument to a preset state.
myScope.WriteString "*RST"
' Set the time base mode to normal with the horizontal time at 50 ms/div
' with 0 s of delay referenced at the center of the graticule.
myScope.WriteString ":TIMEBASE:RANGE 5E-4" ' Time base to 50 us/div.
myScope.WriteString ":TIMEBASE:DELAY 0" ' Delay to zero.
myScope.WriteString ":TIMEBASE:REFERENCE CENTER" ' Display ref. at center.
' Set the vertical range to 1.6 volts full scale with center screen at
' -0.4 volts with 10:1 probe attenuation and DC coupling.
myScope.WriteString ":CHANNEL1:PROBE 10" ' Probe attenuation to 10:1.
myScope.WriteString ":CHANNEL1:RANGE 1.6" ' Vert rng1.6 V full scale.
myScope.WriteString ":CHANNEL1:OFFSET -.4" ' Offset to -0.4.
myScope.WriteString ":CHANNEL1:COUPLING DC" ' Coupling to DC.
' Configure the instrument to trigger at -0.4 volts with normal
' triggering.
myScope.WriteString ":TRIGGER:SWEEP NORMAL" ' Normal triggering.
myScope.WriteString ":TRIGGER:LEVEL -.4" ' Trigger level to -0.4.
myScope.WriteString ":TRIGGER:SLOPE POSITIVE" ' Trigger on pos. slope.
' Configure the instrument for normal acquisition.
myScope.WriteString ":ACQUIRE:TYPE NORMAL" ' Normal acquisition.