
104 Index
E (continued)
examples (cont’d)
Reading the Model Number of a Module, 74
Reading the OPERation Status Register, 71
Reading the Registers (BASIC), 90
Reading the Registers (C/HP-UX), 91
Saving and Recalling States (BASIC), 44
Scanning Channels (BASIC), 95
Scanning Channels (C¤HP-UX), 96
Scanning Channels Using TTL Trigs (BASIC), 39
Scanning Using Bus Triggers, 77
Scanning Using External Device, 67
Scanning Using External Triggers, 77
Scanning Using Trig In/Out Ports (BASIC), 41
Select Module for Monitoring, 55
Setting Ten Scanning Cycles, 53
Stopping a Scan with ABORt, 52
Synchronizing a Matrix Module (BASIC), 46
Using the Scan Complete Bit (BASIC), 43
IEEE 488.2 commands reference, 79
INITiate subsystem
INITiate:CONTinuous, 57
INITiate:CONTinuous?, 58
INITiate[:IMMediate], 58
installing switch module in mainframe, 23
instruments, definition, 11
interrupt level, setting, 21
latching relays, advantages, 47
Logical Address Switch, setting, 21
Manufacturer ID register, 86
matrix modules
addressing, 15
addressing registers, 83
attaching terminal modules, 29
command types, 49
configuring, 19
configuring switch modules, 20
configuring terminal modules, 24
creating a 32x32 matrix, 30
creating a 4x256 matrix, 32
creating an 8x96 matrix, 33
creating larger matrixes, 30
matrix modules (cont’d)
creating larger matrixes (multiple mainframes), 34
description, 11
error messages, 100
error types, 99
installing switch module in mainframe, 23
programming, 15
querying, 42
register base address, 84
register-based programming, 83
relay life, 101
setting interrupt level, 21
setting Logical Address Switch, 21
specifications, 81
switch module connectors, 20
terminal module connectors, 24
wiring terminal modules, 27
matrixes, configuring larger, 30
module identification, 36
offset, register, 84
OUTPut subsystem
OUTPut:EXTernal[:STATe], 59
OUTPut:EXTernal[:STATe]?, 60
OUTPut:TLTrgn[:STATe], 61
OUTPut:TLTrgn[:STATe]?, 62
OUTPut[:STATe], 60
OUTPut[:STATe]?, 61
parameters, 51
power-on conditions, 36
programming matrix modules, 15
programming, register-based, 83
querying matrix modules, 42
register offset, 84
register types, 86
register-based programming, 83
addressing, 83
base address, 84
definitions, 86
Device Type, 86
Manufacturer ID, 86