2.4 Select an Operating Mode for Access Point
This access point can be operated in different modes; you can click ‘Basic Setting’ on the left of
web management interface to select an operating mode you want to meet for different needs:
You can click ‘Mode’ dropdown menu to select operating mode, and there are 6 operating
modes available:
AP Add wireless capability to the existing wired network by connecting the
AP to a wired router/switch.
AP-Client Enable the Ethernet device such us TV and Game console connected
to the access point to a wireless client.
AP Bridge-Point to
Connect two physically isolated wireless networks with two wireless
access points. Both access points must be configured to the same
mode. You will need two AP671W for this mode. The AP can only be
connected by another AP in this mode wirelessly.
AP Bridge-Point to
Connect four physically isolated wireless networks with four wireless
access points. Every access point must be configured to the same
mode. You will need four AP671W for this mode. The AP can only be
connected by other APs in this mode wirelessly.
AP Bridge-WDS This mode is similar to ‘AP Bridge to Multi-Point’, but access point is
not working in bridge-dedicated mode. Bridge-WDS mode will be able
to accept wireless clients while the access point is working as a
wireless bridge.
Universal Repeater This product can act as a wireless range extender that will help you to
extend the range of your wireless network. The access point can act
as Station and AP at the same time. It can use Station function to
connect to a Root AP and use AP function to service all wireless
clients within its coverage.