
Saving Your PoliciesUsing the 8950 AAA Policy Assistant in Server
Management Tool
Issue 1, December 2008
Enter or change the values of these fields appropriately and click on Save to save the
Using the Cisco PEAP tab
The Cisco PEAP tab allows you to enable Cisco PEAP with the Policy Assistant. If your
users are required to be authenticated using PEAP from a Cisco Client, the request does
not include realming information.
When the Cisco PEAP tab is selected, the following list of attributes/values are displayed.
Use Cisco PEAP–Yes or No option
RSA Certificate File Name
RSA Private Key Password
DSA Certificate File Name
DSA Private Key Password
Enter or change the values of these fields appropriately and click on Save to save the
Saving Your Policies
How to save your policies
This concludes the use of the PolicyAssistant to create policies and realms. Click Save to
store the changes to your policies.
If the 8950 AAA server is running and you have made changes to your policies, Realms or
DNIS Limits, USS Settings, and Cisco PEAP, click Reload to store your changes and
update the active server files.
Advanced Authentication Options
About Advanced Authentication options
This section provides additional information for defining authentication source.
The Authenticating Access Requests panel shown in Figure 9-5 on page 9 contains the
Advanced Authentication Options button. It provides the ability to fine-tune your
definition of authentication source by using the Advanced Authentication Options
window, as shown in Figure 9-20.