HEPA lter
replacement display
Ionizer on/off
UV on/off display
Fan speed display
Reset button
On/Off switch
UV button
Ionizer button
Timer button
Fan Speed button
Setting the Control Panel
1) Plug the unit into an electric outlet, the unit will be ready to run. Press the On/Off
button to start running, repress it to stop.
2) When the air purier is turned on the fan will run at medium speed for 3 seconds
before running at low speed (default speed). Press the speed button each time,
the fan speed will cycle.
3) While the air purier is on, press the TIMER button to the desired run time
(hours). The air purier will automatically turn off once the timer has counted
down to zero.
4) Press the ion key to turn on the ionizer while the fan is running, press it again to
turn off the ionizer.
5) Press the UV lamp button to turn on the UV lamp, which is used to help to kill
harmful bacteria in the air. Press it again to turn off the UV lamp.
6) When the HEPA bars are lit up the HEPA lters needs to be replaced. Press and
hold the reset button.