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The QUANTIZE button is used to correct the timing of notes to any desired beat value. QUANTIZE only
moves note events, and does not alter controllers, pitch bend, after touch, program change, and system
exclusive information. While holding down the QUANTIZE button in part mode, the most recently
recorded track will be lit, and the display will read:
The 10 quantize choices are 1/2, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 1/12, 1/16, 1/24, 1/32, 1/48, 1/64. The +/- buttons or
the keypad can be used to scroll through the choices. The keypad buttons 0-9 can also be used to select
the quantize value directly, with 0=1/2 and 9=1/64. The track select buttons can be used to select the
desired track(s) to be quantized. When QUANTIZE is first pressed, all eight track LEDs will be lit,
indicating that all tracks will be quantized if RECORD is pressed. If a track button is pressed, all other
tracks will turn off, and only that track will be selected. From that point on, each track select button will
turn on or off its associated LED, so that any combination of tracks can be selected to be quantized.
Pressing the RECORD button initiates the quantizing, and changes the display to:
This display remains until the RECORD button is released, which then returns the sequencer to its
previous quantize display. The quantization process changes the start point of each note to the nearest
quantize beat, but leaves the note release point where it was, which changes the actual note duration.
Other quantizing options can be selected by using the page up and page down buttons. Pressing the
page up button scrolls through the following choices:
If RECORD is pressed with QUANTIZE NOTE START & END being displayed, the release times of the
notes will also be quantized to the selected quantize beat. If NOTE END is selected, only the release
times of the notes will be quantized. If KEEP DURATION is selected, a note's duration will remain
constant, i.e., if the start of a note is moved 1/16 note ahead, the release will also move 1/16 ahead.
In SONG mode, the QUANTIZE button is used to select an amount of clock offset for each track in a
song. These offsets are global settings used by all songs, and do not affect the individual parts directly.
The purpose of this feature is to allow the user to compensate for MIDI delays, and sound devices with
slow attack times. While holding the QUANTIZE button in SONG mode, the first track LED will light, all
others will be off, and the display will read as follows:
The value can be set from -48 to +48 384th notes (+/- 1/2 note) by using the keypad or the +/- buttons.
Positive values represent a shift forward in time, and negative values represent a shift backward in time.