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Saving a Current Location as a Favourite
Avoiding Roads
To avoid an individual road and have CoPilot
calculate another route around that road,
you must be in the Itinerary screen. From
there, fi nd the road you want to avoid in
the scrollable list and highlight it, then press
Options and select Actions > Avoid Road.
To cancel any road preferences that have been
set and return to your original route, select
Actions > Cancel Avoid.
ETA and Distance to Next Stop
Optimising Your Stop Order
To rearrange the stops on your trip in the most
effi cient order, in the Going To screen select
Options > Actions > Optimize Stops. You
must have at least three stops to optimise
— the destination always remains the same.
Getting ETA’s and Distances
The estimated time of arrival (ETA) and distance to your next stop will
always be shown at the bottom of the Safety View screen. To bring up
the Safety View screen, enter one or more stops, press Drive, then
select View > Safety View.
If your trip has multiple stops and you want to know the ETA for a
destination that is not the next stop, designate the stops between your
current location and the target stop as waypoints as follows:
1) From any guidance screen press Options > Edit Trip.
2) In the Going To screen highlight a stop, then select Options >
Actions > Set as Waypoint.
3) Repeat step 2 for all intermediate stops. When all intermediate stops
have been changed to waypoints, the Safety View screen will display
the ETA to your fi nal destination.
The waypoints you created can be easily changed back to stops —
highlight each one and select Options > Actions > Set as Stop.
Waypoints are not treated like stops in the Itinerary for your trip, their
purpose is to guide CoPilot route calculations along roads that you
prefer. On the Itinerary, a waypoint is distinguished by a round icon
instead of the fl ag icon that appears next to a stop., and distance to the
waypoint is not calculated.
To save your current location as a
Favourite, from any guidance screen
select Options > Actions > Save
GPS Location.