30: When the system is triggered or
panicked, the alarm will sound for
30 seconds.
60: When the system is triggered or
panicked, the alarm will sound for
60 seconds.
700msec: The door lock pulse will be set to
700m seconds.
900msec: The door lock pulse will be set to
900m seconds.
3sec: The door lock pulse will be set to
3 seconds.
15sec: The door lock pulse will be set to
15 seconds.
Off: The system will return to its
original mode once panic mode
has completed.
On: The system will enter the arm
mode when the panic mode has
Assigns a car number to the security system.
Allows the use of one SEC-8463 (or compat-
ible remote control) with two cars containing
SEC-8063 (or compatible Alpine Mobile
Security systems) security systems.
One: 1st Car
Two: 2nd Car
Off: The system will not rearm and the
doors will not relock 30 seconds
after the system is disarmed.
On: The system will rearm and the
doors will relock 30 seconds after
the system is disarmed if the
ignition is not turned on, the trunk
is not opened, or the radar sensor
does not detect movement inside
the vehicle.
6. Duration (30/60)
Durée (30/60)
Duración (30/60)
7. Door Lock Pulse (700msec/900msec/
Impulsion de verrouillage de porte
Impulso del bloqueo de puertas
8. Panic arm (Off/On)
Armement panique (Desactivé/Activé)
Armado de pánico (Desactivado/
9. Car (One/Two)
Véhicule (Un/Deux)
Coche (Uno/Dos)
10.Relock (Off/On)
Réverrouillage (Désactivé/Activé)
Rebloqueo (Desactivado/Activado)
Function Setup
Programmable Features