used to turn the PITCH SLIDER (33) function
on and off. This button will also change the pitch
percentage the PITCH SLIDER (33) will react to.
The pitch percentage can be changed between
4%, 8%, 16% and 100%. 4% will allow the least
amount of pitch manipulation and 100% will allow
the most amount of pitch manipulation. To adjust
to the different values please see page 25. The
(26) will indicate which pitch percentage mode
you are in, glowing red for 4%, glowing green for
8%, glowing orange for 16% or flashing green for
100%. Note when LED is not glowing in any color
the Pitch Function is not activated.
27. TEMPO LOCK FUNCTION - This button acti-
vates the TEMPO LOCK function. This function
allows you to use the PITCH SLIDER to speed up
or slow down playback speed without altering the
tonal pitch of the track. When this function is not
engaged the original tonal pitch of the track will
be altered giving you the "chipmunk" effect when
a track is played at a high rate of speed, or the
"James Earl Jones" effect when a track is slowed
to much.
28.(+) PITCH BEND BUTTON - The (+) pitch
bend function creates a momentary “BUMP” in
the CD’s BPM’s (Beats per minute) while it is
playing. This will allow you to match the beats
between two playing CD’s or any other music
source. Remember, this is a momentary function.
When you remove your finger from this button,
the BPM’s will automatically return to PITCH
SLIDERS (33) selected pitch. Holding down this
button will give a maximum of +100% pitch.
29.(-) PITCH BEND BUTTON - The (-) pitch
bend function creates a momentary “Slow Down”
in the CD’s BPM’s (Beats per minute) while it is
playing. This will allow you to match the beats
between two playing CD’s or other playing music
source. Remember, this is a momentary function.
When you remove your finger from the pitch but-
ton, the BPM’s will automatically return to PITCH
SLIDERS (33) pitch value Holding down this but-
ton will give a maximum of +100% pitch. Use this
function to slow to another playing music source.
Be sure to notice that this function is a momen-
tary pitch adjustment, for a more precise adjust-
ment use the PITCH SLIDER (33) to match the
BPM’s with another playing music source.
30. BOP/ENTER BUTTON - During play mode,
pressing the BOP button will instantly return play
to the last set cue point without interruption of
music. Use this function to create a stutter effect.
When using the FX MIX (see page 30), this but-
ton will activate the FX MIX function.
has been made (see setting a SEAMLESS LOOP
on page 17), but the CD Player is not actively in
SEAMLESS LOOP mode (a loop is not playing),
pressing the RELOOP BUTTON will instantly
reactivate the SEAMLESS LOOP mode. To exit
loop, press the OUT BUTTON (32). LOOP and
RELOOP will appear in the LCD DISPLAY (19)
when the RELOOP function is available.
32.OUT BUTTON - This button is used to set
the ending point of a loop. A loop is started by
pressing the IN BUTTON (14), pressing the OUT
BUTTON set the loop ending point. The loop
will continue to play until the OUT BUTTON is
pressed once again.
33. PITCH SLIDER - This slider is used to adjust
the playback pitch percentage. The slider is a set
adjustment and will remain set until the pitch slid-
er is moved or the pitch function has been turned
off. This adjustment can be made with or with-
out a disk in the drive. The pitch adjustment will
remain even if a disc has been remove and will
reflect on any other disc loaded into the player.
That is to say, if you set a +2% pitch on one disc,
remove that disc and insert another, that disc too
will have a +2% pitch. The amount of pitch being
applied will be displayed in the LCD (19).
34. TRANSPORT SLOT - Trayless Design! A
disc is loaded the same as a car CD player, sim-
ply insert the disc in to the slot and the unit will
automatically load the disc in to the drive mecha-
nism. Never attempt to force a disc into the slot
when the power is turned off.
35.AUDIO OUT R & L - Audio out signals.
Connect stereo RCA cable from AUDIO OUT to a
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