Then, you set up sweep parameters. The following explanation assumes that the frequency sweep (Start/Stop) was
selected for the sweep pattern.
(3) Press the "Prmt" [F4] key in the "Sweep" menu to open
the "Sweep Parameter (1) " menu.
(4) Select the sweep parameter item to be changed, by
pressing the "↓" [F2] key or "↑" [F3] key (the characters
are highlighted). If the parameter item is a numeric
value, operate the number keys and the step keys and
rotary knob in the Edit zone to set the value.
To select a status, press the "Sel" [F1].
(5) Press the [More] key to move on to the "Sweep
Parameter (2)" menu. (This menu is not involved in
setting parameters for memory sweep.)
(6) Select the sweep parameter item to be changed, by
pressing the "↓" [F2] key or "↑" [F3] key (the characters
are highlighted). If the parameter item is a numeric
value, operate the number keys and the step keys and
rotary knob in the Edit zone to set the value.
To select a status, press the "Sel" [F1].