
Hardware status: Displayed when the MG3641A/3642A is used incorrectly or fault occurs.
RF out shut-down by RPP: The reverse power protection circuit operates.
Eliminate the cause and cancel the operation of the reverse power protec-
tion circuit (see paragraph 4.13).
Reference signal abnormal: The reference signal is abnormal.
The frequency or level of the signal input as an external reference signal is
inappropriate. Input a suitable reference signal.
Synthesizer unlock: The synthesizer is unlocked.
If this message does not go off after warming up, a failure may occur in the
circuit. Request the synthesizer be repaired.
RF Amplifier abnormal: An output level is abnormal.
This message is displayed when a setting exceeds the limit of the output
amplifier of the final step. In this state, the level identical to the display is
not output. If this message is displayed within the level accuracy guarantee
range (+17 dBm or less), a fault may have developed. Request the output
amplifier be repaired.
When the output amplifier is normal, but the output connector is not imped-
ance-matched, severely (for example, open or short state); this message
may be displayed.
Setting outside performance guarantee range: This message is displayed if a value is set outside the performance
guarantee range.
Level uncal: A value is set outside the output level accuracy guarantee range.
Even if this message is displayed, the output level is usually accurate pro-
vided that the message "RF Amplifier Abnormal" is not displayed.
FM uncal: FM deviation is set outside the setting range.
The setting range of the FM deviation depends on the carrier frequency. If
the FM deviation setting range at the current carrier frequency is exceeded,
this message is displayed and the FM deviation becomes that of the upper
limit of the setting range.
AM uncal: The AM modulation is set outside the guarantee range.
This message is displayed if the AM modulation is set outside the perfor-
mance guarantee range.
Except for the above cases, various types of errors during remote control using GPIB are also displayed. For error
messages relating to GPIB, see paragraph 6.5.5, "SCPI error messages."