AOS WPC - Tech Training 72 of 72 Ashland City, TN © 2007
Servicing should only be performed by a Qualified Service Agent
UIM - User Interface Module:Plastic housing that holds the UIB, LCD, and TSB. Provides
means to both send and receive information from the user. Only one cable to the MCB is
required for communications and power. Operates on 5 VDC only. Connects to internal
communications port on MCB, see page 32.
VFD:Variable Frequency Drive. A component that varies the power supply’s frequency.
Water Flow Switch:This is a normally open paddle type switch mounted in the outlet of the
boiler that closes when water flow through the boiler exceeds the minimum flow “make point”
of the switch. This switch does not prove required flow rate only that water present and that
it is flowing. Connects to J5 socket on MCB, see page 28.
Paul Stewart
Training Specialist
A. O. Smith Water Products Company ©2007
Ashland City, Tennessee